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【Grammar Tip】

" You should see her!"

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【Chat Room】

independent 獨立
依賴 = rely on

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【Chat Room】

job v.s. career

job - 工作;取得一份"工作",主要為了賺錢謀生,往往短期。

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【Grammar Tip】

To see for myself if this "scientific" test was for real, I took the test three different times and got the same results each time,...

句首的 to see for meself 是「自己親自去看」,有親身嘗試以證明給自己看的意思

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【Chat Room】

questionaire 問卷
→ a type of survey (民意調查)

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【Grammar Tip】

Along with saving gas, it's a much better way to enjoy the beautiful spring weather!

along with: together with / in addition to

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【Chat Room】

suggest 建議;暗示(imply)
文中的 research suggests 非"研究建議",應為"研究顯示"

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【Grammar Tip】

Every day of your life , chances are , you think about vitamins.

"chances are" means : mostly likely / with great possibility

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【Grammar Tip】

By far the most world-renowned Easter eggs came from the workshop of Peter Carl Faberge in the 1800s.

句首的 by far 不是 so far 的意思,by far 常用來修飾比較級或是最高級的形容詞,有「顯然地、尤其、更...」等等強調的意思。

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【Chat Room】

wax (v) 漸漸變成;轉為

to wax

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【Chat Room】

An Easter "Eggstravaganza"

原應為 extravaganza:新奇的事物

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【Grammer Tip】

Professional adventurer Mike Horn never met a challenge he didn't welcom.

這個句型用了兩個否定 never 和 didn't ,達到強調以及引起注意的效果。

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【Grammar Tip】

On April 6, 1909, six tired men finally reached the North Pole, having crossed over 700 km of cracking, shifting sea ice.


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【Grammar Tip】

The "invaders" that cause allergy attacks - known as allergens - are actually everyday mayerials such as pollen, dust and animal dander.

兩個破折號中間夾的分詞片語,用 Known as 點出 invader 的名號。

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[ Grammar Tip ]

句型:No phrase/word describes + object + better than + description.

No phrase descirbes Hungary better than "a feast for the senses."

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