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  • Aug 14 Fri 2009 10:58
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  • Jun 03 Wed 2009 16:00
  • TSV

TSV為直通矽晶穿孔(Through-Silicon Via)封裝技術;因為製程微縮和低介電值材料的限制,3D堆疊式封裝技術已被視為能否以較小尺寸來製造高效能晶片的關鍵,而TSV技術是透過以垂直導通 來整合晶圓堆疊的方式,以達到晶片間的電氣互連。此一技術能夠以更低的成本有效提高系統的整合度與效能。

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  1. 通常執行特定功能,與一般桌上型辦公設備或資料庫伺服系統有很大的區別。
  2. 以微電腦與周邊構成核心,其規模可由如8051單晶片到先進的x86晶片系統不等。
  3. 嚴格的時序與穩定度要求,例如在機器控制上,稍有不慎則可能失去控制,釀成災害。
  4. 全自動操作循環,例如斷電時的緊急處理,使復電後仍能回復原有的狀態。
嵌入式系統幾乎涵蓋所有微電腦控制的裝置,例如個人電腦中的磁碟機或光碟機的伺服控制與資料存取介面等。在美國工程發展的歷史上,1949年由J. Presper Eckrt及John Mauchly完成的BINVAC ( BINary Automatic Computer ) ,其中一項目的為操控長程飛彈,1944年由Jay W. Forrest 開始的WHIRLWIND計劃 ( 於1951年完成 ),則製作出全美第一台即時電腦 ( real-time computer ),其目的為指揮軍用飛行器的訓練設備。我們可以說,嵌入式系統設計的技術發展與微電腦技術的演進是相輔相成的,其中嵌入式系統的需求刺激,更是微電腦今日成功的主要動力
您如果想要知道世界上頂尖的嵌入式系統設計族群在說甚麼語言,或是目前熱衷於追求甚麼,請參閱Embedded System Programming

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  • May 18 Mon 2009 11:45
  • 密碼文章 FM

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Clock gating is one of the power-saving techniques used on many synchronous circuits including the Pentium 4 processor. To save power, clock gating support adds additional logic to a circuit to prune the clock tree, thus disabling portions of the circuitry so that its flip-flops do not change state: their switching power consumption goes to zero, and only leakage currents are incurred.

Although asynchronous circuits by definition do not have a "clock", the term perfect clock gating is used to illustrate how various clock gating techniques are simply approximations of the data-dependent behavior exhibited by asynchronous circuitry. As the granularity on which you gate the clock of a synchronous circuit approaches zero, the power consumption of that circuit approaches that of an asynchronous circuit: the circuit only generates logic transitions when it is actively computing.

Chip families such as OMAP3, with a cell phone heritage, support several forms of clock gating. At one end is manual gating of clocks by software, where a driver enables or disables the various clocks used by a given idle controller. On the other end is automatic clock gating, where the hardware can be told to detect whether there's any work to do, and turn off a given clock if it isn't needed. These modes interact. For example, an internal bridge or bus might use automatic gating so that it's gated off until the CPU or a DMA engine needs to use it.

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  • May 06 Wed 2009 12:13
  • ASIC


ASIC 特殊應用IC。

ASIC(Application Specific Integrated Circuit)是依特定用途而設計的特殊規格邏輯IC。ASIC一般並沒有標準規格,但依設計方式的不同,又可分為PLD、閘排列、電路元設計及全客戶設計等。




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表一: 國際單位字首a


因數 字首 符號 因數 字首 符號
1018  exa- 穰 E 10-1 deci- 分 d
1015 peta- 秭 P 10-2 centi- 釐 c
1012 tera- 垓 T 10-3 milli- 毫 m
109  giga- 京 G 10-6 micro- 微 m
106 mega- 兆 M 10-9 nano- 纖 n
103 kilo- 千 k 10-12 pico- 沙 p
102 hecto- 百 h 10-15 femto- 塵 f
101 deca- 十 da 10-18 atto- 渺 a

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// Wikipedia

印刷電路板,又稱印製電路板印刷線路板,常使用英文縮寫PCB(Printed circuit board)或寫PWB(Printed wire board),是重要的電子部件,是電子元件的支撐體,是電子元器件線路連接的提供者。傳統的電路板,採用印刷蝕刻阻劑的工法,做出電路的線路及圖面,因此被稱為印刷電路板或印刷線路板。由於電子產品不斷微小化跟精細化,目前大多數的電路板都是採用貼附蝕刻阻劑(壓膜或塗佈),經過曝光顯影後,再以蝕刻做出電路板。

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背板 backplane

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板 board
母板 mother board

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(Source: http://www.big5.tomshardware.com/howto/01q3/010814/index.html)


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  • May 04 Mon 2009 11:44
  • FPGA



FPGA的原文是 Field Programmable Gate Array 元件可程式邏輯閘陣列,是一個含有可編輯元件的半導體設備,是一個可供使用者程式化的邏輯閘元件。

目前以硬體描述語言(Verilog VHDL)所完成的電路設計,可以經過簡單的綜合與佈局,快速的燒錄至 FPGA 上進行測試,是現代 IC 設計驗證的技術主流。這些可編輯元件可以被用來實現一些基本的邏輯閘電路(比如ANDORXORNOT)或者更複雜一些的組合功能比如解碼器或數學方程式。在大多數的FPGA裏面,這些可編輯的元件里也包含記憶元件例如觸發器(Flip-flop)或者其他更加完整的記憶塊。


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Rent's rule pertains to the organization of computing logic, specifically the relationship between the number of external signal connections to a logic block (i.e., the number of "pins") with the number of logic gates in the logic block, and has been applied to circuits ranging from small digital circuits to mainframe computers.



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