目前分類:Studio Classroom (75)

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【Grammar Tip】

It looks more like a futuristic bracelet than a watch.

It looks more an A than a B.

IceFish0702 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

【Chat Room】

tools 工具

tools of the trade 每種職業都有他們專業的器具

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【Chat Room】

an arm and a leg (idiom)
- cost someone an arm and a leg 貴得要命
- 可用在 cost, pay, charge

IceFish0702 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

【Grammar Tip】

It's one thing to practice a language, but it's another to study in it.


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【Chat Room】

Can I have a piece?我可以要一點嗎?

Can I have a cake?我可以要一整塊蛋糕嗎?

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【Grammar Tip】

Whatever the reason for
- No matter what the reason may be

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【Grammar Tip】

so what: who cares or what does it matter

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【Chat Room】

He stepped on his toes.
1. 踩到腳
2. 冒犯他人;踩他人痛處;侵犯他人工作

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【Chat Room】

differing / different


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【Grammar Tip】

Dialects are usually thought of as being different versions of one language.
→ People usually think of dialects as being different versions of one language.

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【Grammar Tip】

You can fill entire days seeing Karnak, the largest religious site in the world.

fill entire days seeing...

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【Chat Room】

touch the past
- You can touch the past. 歷史觸手可及 → 可深深感受過去情境

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【Chat Room】

a fly on the wall 牆上的蒼蠅 → 能夠偷聽別人說什麼

You wouldn't hurt a fly! 不傷害一隻蒼蠅 → 很仁慈善良

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【Grammar Tip】

If you had to choose between a juicy steak and an ant larva taco, which would you choose?

grab your audience's attention as soon as possible.

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【Chat Room】

their skin would naturally tan and "untan"
tan means "to become tan"

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【Grammar Tip】

Now that we are getting into the thick of summertime activities, sunburn is something that you have to think about.

句子開頭的 now that 並沒有「現在」的意思,它可以翻譯成「既然」,有連接詞的功能。

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【Chat Room】

Afterward, return to...
後來,之後(adv);亦可在之後加上s → afterwards

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【Grammar Tip】

In the world of glamping, antique furniture, personal service and gourmet dining are faiely common.

In the world of...

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【Grammar Tip】

This brings us to an interesting question...


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【Grammar Tip】

... 15 minutes isn't long enough to satisfy your interest.

15 minutes is followed by "isn't"

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