
【Grammar Tip】

On April 6, 1909, six tired men finally reached the North Pole, having crossed over 700 km of cracking, shifting sea ice.


On April 6, 1909, six tired men finally reached the North Pole, after they had crossed over 700 km of cracking, shifting sea ice.


1. Celine handed her report in on time, having stayed up all night to write it.

2. Sam walked happily home, having gotten an A on his math test.

3. After Jeff has eaten a large dinner, he's ready for dessert.
Having eaten a large dinner, Jeff's now ready for dessert.

4. Alice has read the novel. Now she's excited about watching the movie.
Having read the novel, Alice is excited about watching the movie.


【Word Bank】

crack (v) 碎裂;裂開 (n) 裂縫
 The old window was cracking in several places.

shift (v) 移動
 Tony had trouble standing on the shifting deck of the boat.

attempt (n) 嘗試;努力 // 做某方面的嘗試用" at " 這個介係詞
 The little boy made three attempts at riding a bicycle before he finally succeeded.

observation (n) 觀測;觀察
 As Blake explored the area, he made many observations about the geography.

【More Information】

frosbite (n) 凍傷;凍瘡 //不可數名詞
frostbitten (adj) 凍傷的
frost 結霜
bite 咬傷

pole 極
guide 嚮導
adventure 冒險
spot 地點
melt 融化
toe 指頭

【Chat Room】

pole 極端
North Pole 北極
South Pole 南極
poles apart 極端不同
 ex: My brother and I are poles apart in personality.

polarize (v) 兩極化

totem pole 北美洲原住民的圖騰柱
low man on the totem pole 身分最低最不重要的人(等級)
// 例如剛進一個團體的人,可能就是 low man on the totem pole

【Michelle's Room】

1. 車子撞進籬笆時,擋風玻璃也裂開了。
  The windshield cracked as the car bumped into the fence.
2. 因為地震,牆壁裂開了。
  The wall cracked due to the earthquake.
3. 這顆鑽石表面上的裂痕用肉眼幾乎看不出來。
  The crack on the dimond's surface is almost invisible.

4. 這是她第二次嘗試路考
  This is her second attempt at the driving test.
//(片語) make an attempt to do something

5. 這些生還者獲救的時候身上都有多處嚴重的凍傷。
  The survivors were suffering from severe fronstbite when they were rescued.

【Key Points】

1. In 1909, Robert Peary, Matthew Hensen and their guides become the first people to reach the North Pole.

2. Peary failed to reach the pole six times before he finally succeeded.



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