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  • May 18 Mon 2009 11:45
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Clock gating is one of the power-saving techniques used on many synchronous circuits including the Pentium 4 processor. To save power, clock gating support adds additional logic to a circuit to prune the clock tree, thus disabling portions of the circuitry so that its flip-flops do not change state: their switching power consumption goes to zero, and only leakage currents are incurred.

Although asynchronous circuits by definition do not have a "clock", the term perfect clock gating is used to illustrate how various clock gating techniques are simply approximations of the data-dependent behavior exhibited by asynchronous circuitry. As the granularity on which you gate the clock of a synchronous circuit approaches zero, the power consumption of that circuit approaches that of an asynchronous circuit: the circuit only generates logic transitions when it is actively computing.

Chip families such as OMAP3, with a cell phone heritage, support several forms of clock gating. At one end is manual gating of clocks by software, where a driver enables or disables the various clocks used by a given idle controller. On the other end is automatic clock gating, where the hardware can be told to detect whether there's any work to do, and turn off a given clock if it isn't needed. These modes interact. For example, an internal bridge or bus might use automatic gating so that it's gated off until the CPU or a DMA engine needs to use it.

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  • May 06 Wed 2009 12:13
  • ASIC


ASIC 特殊應用IC。

ASIC(Application Specific Integrated Circuit)是依特定用途而設計的特殊規格邏輯IC。ASIC一般並沒有標準規格,但依設計方式的不同,又可分為PLD、閘排列、電路元設計及全客戶設計等。




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表一: 國際單位字首a


因數 字首 符號 因數 字首 符號
1018  exa- 穰 E 10-1 deci- 分 d
1015 peta- 秭 P 10-2 centi- 釐 c
1012 tera- 垓 T 10-3 milli- 毫 m
109  giga- 京 G 10-6 micro- 微 m
106 mega- 兆 M 10-9 nano- 纖 n
103 kilo- 千 k 10-12 pico- 沙 p
102 hecto- 百 h 10-15 femto- 塵 f
101 deca- 十 da 10-18 atto- 渺 a

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// Wikipedia

印刷電路板,又稱印製電路板印刷線路板,常使用英文縮寫PCB(Printed circuit board)或寫PWB(Printed wire board),是重要的電子部件,是電子元件的支撐體,是電子元器件線路連接的提供者。傳統的電路板,採用印刷蝕刻阻劑的工法,做出電路的線路及圖面,因此被稱為印刷電路板或印刷線路板。由於電子產品不斷微小化跟精細化,目前大多數的電路板都是採用貼附蝕刻阻劑(壓膜或塗佈),經過曝光顯影後,再以蝕刻做出電路板。

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背板 backplane

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板 board
母板 mother board

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