【Grammar Tip】

Aside from the toy's five fun colors, the middle bean in every toy has a face on it.

aside from

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【Chat Room】

speaker 可指人:演講者;但在本文中指喇叭
音響中的喇叭又稱 loudspeaker

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【Grmmar Tip】

Not another pimple!

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【Grammar Tip】

I think the presence of some ugly graffiti is a small price to pay for the beauty that other graffiti adds.

a small price to pay = worth enduring

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【Chat Room】

rundown neighboorhoods are often found in the inner city

inner city 跟 downtown 皆指大都會的市中心,但兩者大不相同

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【Chat Room】

當被蚊子咬,會感覺 itch(癢)

itch 也可當動詞:to itch 發癢

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【Grammar Tip】

...once they appear, mosquitoes are a total pain.

total:It's another way to say complete or absulate.

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【Chat Room】

You're not baking a frozen pizza, are you?
No. I'm not baking a frozen pizza.

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【Grammar Tip】

The hands on the clock approach 6:00...

means: It's almost 6:00.

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【Chat Room】

head 當動詞用表示前往或去某個地方

head off 出發;上路

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